Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Red wine = not a good sleep aid

I get sleepy pretty quickly after just a couple sips of red wine, and since my insomnia has been rather wicked lately, I thought I was being a smartypants last night by having half a glass of red wine around 9:30 with the idea of having it help me fall asleep. Big mistake! I hit the sack around 11 and only slept fitfully and sporadically for the next several hours as I had to get up FOUR TIMES to pee. Ugh. I was hoping the wine would be good for something (I'm trying to force myself to like the stuff for the health/social benefits), but no suck luck.

Starting to feel the exhaustion set in already...


Derek said...

The best sleep aid is...Punch dancing!


pooja said...

I'm sure the solution to ANYTHING can somehow be found in "Hot Rod," eh? Or by "drinking' and fightin'"!