Saturday, November 22, 2008

REI-sale find: My new favorite pants

I got a flier in the mail earlier this week announcing an upcoming REI sale. Being that I have a chunk of vacation I need to use by Dec. 31 or it'll expire (this is on top of the three weeks I can carry into '09), I decided to take a day off Friday and use part of the day to hit up the sale. I mainly had my eye on a North Face thin fleece jacket I thought looked perfect for cooler-weather hiking (plus, as most of my friends know, I'm a sucker when it comes to all things North Face). I ended up getting one in an awesome plum color; it's really soft and comfy.

I hadn't been looking for pants, but I happened by a rack of REI-brand fleece pants that were on sale as well. And, bonus of bonuses, they were available in petite, regular and long sizes (being that I'm 5'4", it's incredibly hard to find pants of any kind that I don't need to wear heels with). To my further surprise, a pair in the regular length actually was the perfect fit for me. So I ended up getting those in black. I wore them to parents' last night, and I love them even more. They're a thin microfleece, and actually look somewhat flattering, which is hard to do with fleece.

Anyway, the sale is going through Dec. 1. More details here. Head on over there and get stocked up for winter!

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