Friday, April 11, 2008

Fresh air and a wee road trip

The weather is gorgeous today -- sunny and in the 60s, though a wee bit overcast. I opened up my bedroom window for Buster to get some air; the screens are currently not in, as I had to remove them when our building had our windows cleaned, and I haven't gotten around to putting them back up. Anyway, when Buster stuck his head out, I ran into the living room and snapped a pic of him peering out. So cute!

Yesterday, despite the rather overcast day and off-and-on rain sprinkles, a group of us trekked down to the taco truck for a good-bye lunch for a co-worker. Eight of us smashed into two cars -- one was a mini, the other was a three-seater truck with a stick shift. I was the lucky "middle" person in Eric's truck; two other guys squeezed in next to me. I've posted some pics from the outing; first is a self-photo of us in Eric's truck (don't you love my up-the-nostrils angle??), the next is of me chowing down on my veggie burrito (looking a little evil...not sure why -- it was delicious!), then there's a group shot of us. Some of us ate in/on the bed of Eric's truck; others just stood around. Good times!

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