Last week, some friends and I went to the first ever Seattle Sounders FC game (Seattle's new MLS soccer team). I admit I've tried watching soccer on TV now and again, but I can never pay attention for more than a few minutes due to the lack of exciting action (in my opinion, anyway). But I figured this game was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and we sports fans are REALLY in need of a team to rally around, so it sounded like a fun idea to get tickets to the game. I was going to go in a group including my sister, but we both ended up having so many friends who wanted to go that we had to split into two groups of six (you can buy up to eight tickets per person), and we were unfortunately seated at opposite ends of the stadium.
Anyway, in anticipation of the game, I went downtown to the Seattle Team Store the day before the game and picked up a Sounders FC scarf. The next day, I met Chrissy at her office in Bellevue, and then off we were. We of course got stuck in nasty traffic once we got to downtown Seattle, so we didn't walk into the stadium (Qwest Field, where the Seahawks play) until about 15 minutes after the opening ceremonies started. We still got to see quite a bit, though. There were speeches by Joe Roth (the majority owner, and a movie producer), Drew Carey (one of the owners) and the league's commissioner.

Then our governor was announced to a smattering of boos (classy, Seattle) and eventually the players walked in, each holding the hand of a kid (some sort of soccer tradition?).

So I must admit I really enjoyed myself, due in no small part, I'm sure, to the excitement of the crowd over being at the first game. The game action was a lot more exciting in person vs. on the TV, and it was apparently a more exciting game than most in that three goals were scored. After the first goal by the Sounders, the announcer said something to the effect of "At 11:-- into the game, the Sounders have scored their first goal ever!" Such celebration (confetti, cheers, scarf waving, fireworks) after each goal -- wow!

Anyway, that's the quick summary of my big soccer night. The Sounders won 3-0, and there was much cheering and chanting to be had outside the stadium as fans walked out. I just may have to check out another game this year, especially after the weather warms up a bit!
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