We were all invited to go downstairs to Lucky Strike to either bowl or play pool, but I decided to cruise out at that point to hop the shuttle back to my office (my smaller team has a bowling outing next week as well). Anyway, Josh and I decided that we're going to start a new triend: WFL. That means "Working From Lincoln," an offshoot of the more traditional WFH (Working From Home). Though I don't think I'd ever get used to that view..
Friday, I went to see another movie at SIFF: Julia Sweeney's "Letting Go of God." It's a film of her one-woman show about her journey from being Catholic to being an atheist (or, as she calls it: a "naturalist"). Though the format (just her, in a living-room setting) got a little tiring at times, I was pretty absorbed the entire two hours, as was the sold-out audience. Julia was there herself (she's a native of Spokane) and got two standing ovations, one after the film, and one after the Q&A. For me, it was just kind of comforting to be in that sort of environment with other non-believers. I just get tired of how god-centric the world is, even in relatively liberal, open-minded Seattle.
Finally, Anuja stopped by on her way home from work this morning for some tennis. We played at the courts at North Seattle Community college. The funky benches they have there never fail to crack me up. How can more than one person sit comfortably on this thing??

Here's Anuja and me, posing for what Anuja dubbed a "Wes Anderson shot":

And then.. in yet more weirdness.. on the adjacent court, there's a green, wood backboard with a white horizontal line to simulate the net. It's a practice area if you want to "play" solo. There was an envelope taped up backward on the backboard -- with nothing inside, and nothing written on it. Then, a couple feet away, was a blank Post-It. Maybe the writing washed off in recent rains (though you'd think either or both items would've fallen off).. weird.

Just stopping by...now I'm really interested in seeing that movie!
I totally recommend it! If you're in Seattle, it's playing again at SIFF Cinema tomorrow at 4 p.m. If you're not close -- hope you're able to catch it at some point!
That was very Wes Anderson-esque. The way it was taken and the fact that you are on a tennis court. Genius.
Not as cool as a lot of your pics, but we tried :o) And it didn't turn out too badly for a camera-phone pic, eh?
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